Tuas Sales Academy (TSA) is a holistic approach to the training and development of sales teams and aims to raise the standards of performance through. Clarifying what good looks like : bechmarking individual performance and knowledge through sales competency framework.

TSA is A Continuing Professional Development : Process of tracking and documenting the skill, knowledge and experience that you gain from formally and informally. Its record what you experience, learn and then apply (impact on performace)

The Sales Academy solution aims to improve performance through :

a. Benchmarking individual performance and knowledge through sales competency framework.

b. Focusing on the needs of individuals.

c. Engaging the staff and encouraging participation.

d. Ensuring training engages users through knowledge sharing and competitive elements.

e. Measuring result through return on investment.

How Do We Distinguish Good/Bad Sales Person
Often, sales achievement is the only tools for benchmarking.
Achieving sales targets shouldn’t be the only focus for companies looking to grow and develop.
The sales staff need to know which skills can help them improve their performance.

Competencies let the organisation show the individual the expected areas and levels of performance. This gives the individual a map showing which behaviours are valued, recognised and rewarded.

A sales Academy contains a set of customisable competencies. This comptency-based system offers several benefits :
a. Clearly defined and measurable performance goals.
b. Fair and open appraisal and recruitment processes.
c. Clearly connected organisational and personal objectives
d. Measurable and standardised processes across the organisation